Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Touring delivery departments of hospitals - Part II. Cebu Doctors' University Hospital.

After our disappointing experience in Chong Hua, we immediately went to Cebu Doctors, which is almost across the street. 

Again we asked at the information desk. The lady was not sure if a tour was possible, and referred us to go directly to the delivery department on the 3rd floor and try to ask there. We went up there but the supervisor who can take that decision was not in. So they referred us to the administrators office. After a few minutes waiting at the administrators office we were directly lead to the Chairman of the Board and he totally understood our wish and assigned us a guide. 

We entered the delivery department, where two nurses accommodated us and answered all our questions. I was able to get a peak of the labor room and the nursery (but rooming in is also possible). 

My general impression was that the staff was very accommodating and ready to answer all my questions. When our guide talked to the nurses about our wish, she referred to us as "clients". Which in my opinion already shows their attitude to potential patients. 

Unfortunately they also cannot fully serve my needs (especially my most important need for privacy, since they don't have any private labor rooms, but a 4-bed room for labor which my partner is not allowed to enter (my second most important need is that I want him to be with me). But at least I felt welcome and accommodated there. 

Based on raving blog posts by mothers-to-be about St. Lukes in Manila, St. Lukes seems to be the best option for now (even without having visited the hospital, I am already informed about their possibilities and services - thanks to all those mothers-to-be who gave detailed information on their delivery department tours and birthing experiences). The only drawback is that I'd have to stay in Manila for about two months without my partner (since he cannot stay away from work for so long) and if Tisoy decides to come out early, my partner may also not be able to get to Manila in time to be with me during delivery.

Touring delivery departments in hospitals - Part I: Chong Hua Hospital

I am in the process of deciding on where to give birth. For now I have made up my mind on my needs - the ones that cannot be compromised and the ones I am willing to take back. In order to make an informed decision on which hospital I want to give birth in, I am touring (or trying to) the delivery departments and ask a lot of questions. Of course, I would like to deliver in Cebu as this is the place where I am living. But if my needs cannot be accommodated here, I am willing to go to Manila. 

So, the first hospital I visited was Chong Hua, since this is the hospital my Ob/Gyne is affiliated with. 

I had my pregnancy diabetes blood test yesterday, so after taking the glucose syrup I had an hour to spare before they would take my blood. I had hoped to use that hour to visit their delivery department since I was already there. We went to the information desk and ask about touring the delivery department. The first answer was "Not possible!" 
I insisted, clarifying that I am considering giving birth here and if I am not satisfied with their services I will go somewhere else. The lady opened up a little and asked us to come back the next day and talk to the administrator. Supposedly he would be in 8am-5pm. 
So this morning we went, arriving at around 8:20am. The administrator was not there, but we were informed that we would have to get a letter from my ob/gyne and then we may (or may not) be granted our wish. I clarified again about my wish to possibly deliver here, if my needs were met, but they did not accommodate me whatsoever. 

I was highly disappointed, that coming from a hospital that has "patient-focused care" in their mission statement and says about itself that they are "commended by the Department of Health for rendering excellent services and facilities at par with those of the most respected hospitals in the world". For me, world class service is something else. Sorry.

This lack of service to potential clients almost disqualifies them as my hospital of choice.

Just a side note: In my country (and many other countries in Europe, North America, and Asia (including Manila)) touring the delivery department of the hospital of choice is a standard procedure and often part of the birth preparation class. So if a hospital claims to be giving 'world-class services' this should be standard, not something that has to be requested in complicated procedures and then possibly denied.

Saturday, February 8, 2014


For the past 2 months I've been following a pretty consistent sleep pattern: I fall asleep as early as 8:30 reading or listening to my partner's guitar play. And then I am wide awake at 2:00am. It takes until around 4:00 or 4:30 that I can finally get back to sleep.
This pattern makes me sleepy all day and I am struggling hard not to fall asleep at the office over my work. 
I've tried to break out of that pattern by going out and staying out late, but I'm falling asleep at the bar at 11:30 the latest. Apart from that I'm back to my old pattern the next night. 

According to my pregnancy book that has the answer to almost every pregnancy related question one may think of, insomnia during pregnancy is a function of the body to prepare the mother-to-be for the sleep deprivation during the first months with the baby. But seriously? Do I really need 7 months of insomnia for preparation? I'd rather prepare by having a good night's sleep now to wake up rested and energetic for once.

Last night I went to the movies with a couple of friends. Miraculously I did not fall asleep during the movie (my partner did that for me). I went to bed at around midnight - and was wide awake at 5am. This is when I came up with this post.
I hope you enjoyed a good night's sleep.