Friday, December 20, 2013

The first ultrasound

Right before the Christmas break I had my first ultrasound to see if I am really pregnant, how many there are and if the baby is where it is supposed to be and to get a more precise prediction of when the baby will be due (August 8). Everything seemed normal. My OB/GYN then explained to that we are going to check the heart rate now. She explained to me that at this stage the heart is only developing so I shouldn't be worried if nothing can be heard or if we hear only intermittent heartbeats. 
Then she turned on the microphone and the heart was beating with an intensity that even left my doctor wowed! 


I guess someone is determined to live. A very happy moment! For now everything seems to go smooth.


  1. It is such an amazing moment when you hear the heartbeat for the first time ... but wait until little Tisoy will start to move around and kick you.. somehow it is also weird, to have someone grow INSIDE of least that is how I felt...

    Can't believe you did not plan for this baby and it will be born in the best summer time...I wish we had "planned" ours better for that matter. Hope the "24 hours sicknes" will subside soon!!!

  2. Thanks, Terry Belle! I can't wait to feel it move. It will be weird for sure, but I think it will feel more real then. At the moment I have no more pregnancy related symptoms and sometimes I wonder if little Tisoy is still there (Except that my clothes are shrinking). One month between the visits to the doc to hear his/her heartbeat is just too long!
