Saturday, January 25, 2014

Baby TV

I opted to have a first-trimester screening since I'm not the youngest anymore, and (even though I try to relax) I'm still the German worrywart.

In my country the first trimester-screening consists of an integrated calculation of the mother's age, certain hormone levels and the nuchal translucency to determine a risk of chromosomal abnormalities (especially trisomy 21), which is expressed in a probability such as 1:375 and then discussed at length with your healthcare provider. (talk about German angst, hehe)

Here, only the nuchal translucency was measured. The feedback was "it's .18, so normal". Then we proceeded to watch the baby wiggle and giggle. Admittedly much more fun than discussing risks.

I decided to stop worrying and relax that everything will be alright - my ob/gyn is relaxed, why shouldn't I be? (At least I'll try to).

And now, may I introduce.....Tisoy:

Monday, January 20, 2014

My Snug-A-Hug

I went to Manila last Thursday on a work trip. While there I purchased my first pregnancy and baby-related item: a Snug-a-Hug maternity and nursing pillow that I had fallen in love with ever since I saw it on the internet. Proudly Filipino made. 

After washing the cover, I finally wanted to try it out last night. Unfortunately I never got to it. This is why:

I hope that I can re-claim it tonight to finally try it out.

Saturday, January 4, 2014

My three best friends

I spent the past three weeks almost constantly feeling nauseated. Morning sickness? 24-hour-sickness would be a better word. These were my three best friends (aside from the caring father-to-be) for the past three weeks:

  1. Gingerbons, 
  1. Magic Flakes (and it had to be Magic Flakes, Skyflakes wouldn't do the trick) and 
  1. an ominous green Chinese scented oil that my mom was once given on a boat by an elderly lady who felt sorry for her because she was incredibly seasick. This oil is the best! It beats efficascent oil, white flower oil, tiger balm or anything else by lengths. Unfortunately I have not yet been able to find it to replace it when it is empty so I'm allowing myself to only use it in the most necessary occasions.