Saturday, February 8, 2014


For the past 2 months I've been following a pretty consistent sleep pattern: I fall asleep as early as 8:30 reading or listening to my partner's guitar play. And then I am wide awake at 2:00am. It takes until around 4:00 or 4:30 that I can finally get back to sleep.
This pattern makes me sleepy all day and I am struggling hard not to fall asleep at the office over my work. 
I've tried to break out of that pattern by going out and staying out late, but I'm falling asleep at the bar at 11:30 the latest. Apart from that I'm back to my old pattern the next night. 

According to my pregnancy book that has the answer to almost every pregnancy related question one may think of, insomnia during pregnancy is a function of the body to prepare the mother-to-be for the sleep deprivation during the first months with the baby. But seriously? Do I really need 7 months of insomnia for preparation? I'd rather prepare by having a good night's sleep now to wake up rested and energetic for once.

Last night I went to the movies with a couple of friends. Miraculously I did not fall asleep during the movie (my partner did that for me). I went to bed at around midnight - and was wide awake at 5am. This is when I came up with this post.
I hope you enjoyed a good night's sleep.

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