Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Touring delivery departments of hospitals - Part II. Cebu Doctors' University Hospital.

After our disappointing experience in Chong Hua, we immediately went to Cebu Doctors, which is almost across the street. 

Again we asked at the information desk. The lady was not sure if a tour was possible, and referred us to go directly to the delivery department on the 3rd floor and try to ask there. We went up there but the supervisor who can take that decision was not in. So they referred us to the administrators office. After a few minutes waiting at the administrators office we were directly lead to the Chairman of the Board and he totally understood our wish and assigned us a guide. 

We entered the delivery department, where two nurses accommodated us and answered all our questions. I was able to get a peak of the labor room and the nursery (but rooming in is also possible). 

My general impression was that the staff was very accommodating and ready to answer all my questions. When our guide talked to the nurses about our wish, she referred to us as "clients". Which in my opinion already shows their attitude to potential patients. 

Unfortunately they also cannot fully serve my needs (especially my most important need for privacy, since they don't have any private labor rooms, but a 4-bed room for labor which my partner is not allowed to enter (my second most important need is that I want him to be with me). But at least I felt welcome and accommodated there. 

Based on raving blog posts by mothers-to-be about St. Lukes in Manila, St. Lukes seems to be the best option for now (even without having visited the hospital, I am already informed about their possibilities and services - thanks to all those mothers-to-be who gave detailed information on their delivery department tours and birthing experiences). The only drawback is that I'd have to stay in Manila for about two months without my partner (since he cannot stay away from work for so long) and if Tisoy decides to come out early, my partner may also not be able to get to Manila in time to be with me during delivery.

1 comment:

  1. Mensch, das klingt wie damals, als ich geboren wurde, mehrere Mütter im Kreissaal, nur durch Vorhänge abgetrennt, Väter natürlich nicht erlaubt (wie auch, würde auch keine Väter anderer Babys rumlaufen haben wollen in so einem Raum) .. Hoffe, Du findest noch was.
